The weather


Mostly winter days are clear and mildly crisp. Normal lows are in the low 40s F, but some winters have a week or two of lows around freezing. Normal highs are in the mid-50s to mid-60s F. Winter is also our rainy season, but the historic rainfall average is 13” per year.


There’s a possibility of rain, but after April it’s rare. Lows in the 50s. Highs in the 70s and 80s. Chance of early morning fog and dewy spiders’ webs across the roads: 100%.


It never ever rains in summer (except for last year and the year before). Lows are usually in the mid-60s; highs in the low-90s to low-100s. It’s worth mentioning that “it’s a dry heat,” and temperatures in the 90s are quite comfortable in the shade, and especially the deep shade of the avocado grove. However, every summer there are a few heat waves, and sometimes they’re extreme. They last about a week on average. Lows can be from the high-60s to high-70s. Highs can be from the mid-100s to mid-110s. While it’s still a “dry heat,” this is our most challenging weather since there’s no air-conditioning at the Monastery. Coping strategies include, but are not limited to, wearing wet towels on your head and taking cold showers in the afternoon.


Fall is nice. Mostly the weather is similar to spring, and we get a lot of 50 F nights and 70 F days with fog in the morning. Heat waves are still possible, but not as extreme as in summer. We are, however, subject to Santa Anas. Santa Anas are hot, dry winds blowing in from the deserts to the east, and they last an average of two and a half days. They can happen any time of year, but mostly in the fall. This, by the way, is the weather phenomenon behind So. California’s wildfires. It’s generally not a problem, though. We’ve only had to evacuate once in twenty-odd years.